
Everything changes with Interncube

Esther Nyandoro

It is a fact that every year thousands of students seek internships and industrial placements as part of requirement for their different fields of study.

But after getting internships they are frustrated by their experiences;some reporting cases of doing work  unrelated to their field.

Worry no more!!! Chris Wanjohi an industrious graphic designer and Irvine Lumumba an engineering student who are founders of Interncube have a solution for you.

Interncube connects students with employers by collecting data on what the job market wants and what the universities are offering.

It helps students know if they are relevant in the current competitive job market.

It also breaks the barrier between Human Resource and the student by keeping him/her active during the whole selection process;  even if one is not selected they get to understand why.

Interncube is now almost a year old  and is showing a lot of promise ; by the several beneficiaries it has so far.

Refuse to be part of the complaining masses and ease your life with Interncube.

Log on to their website and subscribe!!!


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